Name: Eddy Cetya “Edy”
DOB: 2.8.2021
Height: 28cm /lenght 36cm
Bite: Scissors/Full dentition
Titles: –
Medical examinations: Ophtalmologic exam free, Patella luxation 0/0 negative
Owner:Beata Maníková
Contact: bea.manikova@gmail.com
Bicia’s Once Upon a Time/DK | Bicia’s Energy Supply/DK | Sandra’s Agent of Love Antario |
Bicia’s Once Upon a Time (DK) | Wild Rose Winona Sandra‘s | |
Bicia’s Once Upon a Time (DK) | Oralee Onida von Ajaccio/DK | Micky the Red Baron Star of Havanna |
Bicia’s Once Upon a Time (DK) | Bahija Kimana von Ajjacio | |
Rockie Cetya/CZ | Christa’s Jumpy Clown Camaro/HU | Havannaville’s Ambasador |
Rockie Cetya (CZ) | Christa’s Jumpy Clown Camaro(HU) | Domoszlói-Vadász Havanna’s Sun |
Rockie Cetya (CZ) | Hokie Cetya/CZ | Zod Satya |
Rockie Cetya (CZ) | Baffie Cetya |