Eddy Cetya

Name: Eddy Cetya “Edy”DOB: 2.8.2021Height: 28cm /lenght 36cmBite: Scissors/Full dentitionTitles: –Medical examinations: Ophtalmologic exam free, Patella luxation 0/0 negative Owner:Beata ManíkováContact: bea.manikova@gmail.com
Hidalgo Heavenly kid

Name:Hidalgo Heavenly kidDOB: 22.5.2021Height: 26cm/ lenght 36cmBite: Scissors/ Full dentitionTitles: –Medical examinations: Patella luxation 0/0 negative, Ophtalmologic exams clear Owner:Alena TutokyováContact: tutokyovaa@gmail.com
Sam Zipetik

Name: Sam ZipetikDOB: 19.03.2021Height: 28cm / lenght 35cm Bite: Scissors /full dentitionTitles: Slovak junior champion, Club junior championZdravotné vyšetrenia: luxácia patelly 0/0 negatívne, Ophtalmologické vyšetrenie bez nálezu Owner: Martina DanovskáContact: danovska.martina@gmail.com
Leones Valientes David Beckham

Name: Leones Valientes David BeckhamDOB: 27.11.2020Height: 28,5cm/ lenght 37cmBite: Nožnicový / full dentitionTitles: Res. BIS Junior, BOJ, 2 x BOBHealth exams: Patella luxation 0/0 negative, Ophtalmologic exam clear 2021 Owner: Lenka PakánováContact: lenkap09@gmail.com
Christa’s Jumpy Clown ZZ Top

Name: Christa´s Jumpy Clown ZZ TopDOB: 11.2.2020Hight : 26,5cm / lenght: 33,5 cm, weiht: 6,2kgBite: Scissors/full dentitionTitles: CH SK, CH SLO, Junior Club Winner 2021, Club winner 2021, Club winner 2022Health exams: patella lux 0/0, ophtalmologic exam 2021 catharacta clear, Owner: Hermína LéczesováContact: info@havanesekennel.sk
Ebony Biely Lúč

Name: Ebony Biely Lúč “Ebonko”DOB: 22.11.2019Height: 26cm/lenght 37cmBite: Scissors/Full dentitionsTitles: Junior CH SK, CH SKHealth exams: patella luxation 0/0 negativ, Ophtalmologic exam free Owner: Zuzana OndrášováContact: jasmingroup3@gmail.com
Ignis Flupsie

Name: Ignis Flupsie “Cairo”DOB:15.1.2016Height: 26cm/lenght 33 cmBite: Scissors / Full dentitionTitles: SKCH, SKJCh, Club Junior Winner, SK Grand CHMedical exams: Patella lucation 0/0 negativ Owner: Oľga BalážikováContact: olgabalazikova@azet.sk
King of Man Pillosus

Name: King of Man PilosusDOB: 02.01.2014Hight: 26cm/lenght 34cm, weight 6kgBite: Scissors, full dentitionTitules: C.I.B., Junior World Winner 2015, SK JCH, SK-HU-AT-CZ CH, Club víťaz HU 2016, Club Winner SK 2016Healthy exams: lux patela 0/0 negative, Ophtalmologic exams 2015, 2016, 2019, 2021 clear Owner: Hermína LéczesováContact: info@havanesekennel.sk