Club membership

  • Write an application
  • Pay the registration fee together with the membership fee for at least one year to the club account – this actually confirms your application. (in the message for the receiver, write: “registration and membership fee, your name and breed of dog”)
  • Send the printed and signed to the club registrar, ideally together with proof of payment of the registration fee and membership.
  • The club registrar will submit your application to the club committee. Furthermore, it will inform you about admission to the club and provide information about your membership number (it serves as an identifier for every other payment to the club).

As a regular member of the club, you become a member of the membership council, which is the highest executive body of the club. The club as such has the right, e.g. adjust the conditions for keeping dogs of the given breed, adjust the conditions for obtaining various club awards (e.g. club champion, club competitions, etc.). The club is also obliged to monitor the healthy and high-quality breeding of individuals of that breed.
If by chance you come across something you don’t like, as a member of the club you have the right to comment on it and maybe even change the situation. You do not need to be the owner of any dog ​​for these actions and “benefits” or “rights”. It is enough if you are a lover and friend of the breed whose club you want to become a member of.
But if you are also the owner of the breed, you have a pedigree dog at home and you want to participate in exhibitions and then also use your pet in breeding, your membership is absolutely necessary. You can win various awards at exhibitions organized by the club. The club is basically the first and often the only one who can have your dog registered at UKK.
There are many reasons to become a member, so if you are not yet a member and feel you should be, don’t hesitate

Members are admitted to the club by the club committee without discrimination. Membership in the club is established by the approval of the application by the club committee and payment of the registration fee and membership fee. Membership in the club can be regular, honorary and associate.

  • To vote and be elected to all bodies (only regular and honorary members).
  • Submit proposals on professional issues.
  • Address inquiries to club authorities.
  • Obracať sa so sťažnosťami na orgány klubu.
  • Zúčastňovať sa na všetkých akciách klubu.
  • Pay the membership fee on time (by February 28 of the calendar year).
  • To comply with the Statutes of the club and SKJ.
  • By voluntary written cancellation.
  • By not paying the membership fee by the 28th February of the calendar year.
  • Exclusion from the club, which is decided by the club committee. The expelled person has the right to appeal within 15 days to a membership meeting, which will make a final decision with a two-thirds majority of the members present.
  • Death.

Anyone can become a member of the club at any time.

For more information, read the statutes of the Bichon Club of Slovakia (found on the website in the statutes section).

We ask all members and future members to directly attach a PROOF OF PAYMENT OF THE FEE to the club’s account to club applications and other paid requests, and to follow the rule of stating the subject of the e-mail message in order to facilitate administrative work with club documents.

Please send the printed and duly completed application form for the BKS club member to the address of the club secretary, Angelika Reszutyik, Krátka 372, 92901 Malé Dvorníky, write “BKS Membership” in the header of the address. Or by email, don’t forget to attach a scanned confirmation of payment.

The list of club members was updated by the club registrar on June 25, 2022.