Dear friends of all Bichons. We would like to invite you to the Bichon klub Slovakia autumn event. Which will be held on 15 September 2024 in “Donnautess” at the Vojka pri Dunaji. Specialist Ana Vladimirov from Serbia accepted the invitation to judge our special exhibition on 15/09/2024 with CAC/CAJC submission. Oficial photographer Mr. Martin […]
Club Show 21.04.2024
PHOTOGALLERY Club Show CAC, 21.04.2024. Judge: Irina Poletaeva/FIN. Kat. Plemeno Pohlavie Trieda Meno psa Výsledok 1. COTON DE TULÉAR (BAVLNKA) Pes Mladšieho dorastu AL DENTE LEXATOM VN1, BIS Minor puppy2 2. COTON DE TULÉAR (BAVLNKA) Pes Veteránov BOON JEWEL JOY FROM PILSEN V1, BOS, BIS Veterán1 3. COTON DE TULÉAR (BAVLNKA) Suka Mladšieho dorastu A […]
Specialty show 20.4.2024
PHOTOGALLERY Specialty show CAC 20.4.2024. Judge: Inger Ronander/N. Plemeno Pohlavie Trieda Meno psa Výsledok BOLOŇSKÝ PSÍK Pes Open ENJANICKA NIGHTFALL V1, CAC BOLOŇSKÝ PSÍK Pes Champion KŐBÁNYAI PELYHES JANNE V1, CAC, BOB, Víťaz špec. Winner COTON DE TULÉAR (BAVLNKA) Pes Mladšieho dorastu AL DENTE LEXATOM VN1, BIS Minor puppy1 COTON DE TULÉAR (BAVLNKA) Pes Open […]
Dear Club members! For all exhibition fans who attended the exhibition during last year, our Club prepared one more award. We are glad to introduce the competition TOP PES BKS after a few years. The competition represents the summary of your success and activities which you went through with your dog in exhibition circle. It’s […]